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This is a Logo for Jeremy smith who is a Portland city council candidate in district 4.
This is a graphic of Portland Oregon on the website of Jeremy smith who is a Portland city council candidate in district 4.

All in 4 portland

Partners & Pledges

My Community

This is a photo of Jeremy smith who is a Portland city council candidate in district 4.

My name is Jeremy Beausoleil Smith

and I'm running for Portland

City Council in District 4

I'm running for Portland City Council because we need someone on council who is committed to striking the careful balance between building the most robust Social Safety Net in our nation and being a good steward of the Portland taxpayer dollar.

In 2018 I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder after I experienced a manic episode. As a resident of Downtown Portland I see people in crisis every day and I think back to my own experience when I was wandering the streets disoriented, scared, and not knowing if I would ever get my life back on track.

​Today I am a husband, parent, and Project Manager in Portland State University's Capital Projects & Construction Department. I am in full remission and have the stability I always knew I could. I am evidence that treatment works and people can get better if we give them the resources to succeed.

There is no denying that Portland is in crisis. I want to live in a Portland where every person in our community has access to clean drinking water, healthy food to eat, adequate and affordable housing, and the healthcare they need. Our people living in tents and dilapidated Recreational Vehicles is not dignified, ethical, or equitable. By maintaining a focus on using a benevolent, yet adamant hand in advancing treatment for those experiencing drug addiction and mental illness, we can begin to address the collective trauma our city is facing and ensure Portland is clean and safe for everyone.

My Guiding Principles


with Historically Marginalized Portlanders

Our nation has a long and brutal history of subjugating, enslaving, and murdering non-white, non-hetero, and non-binary people. I will work tirelessly to elevate the voices of all Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ+, and Neurodivergent Portlanders​. Through broad and intersectional coalition building, particularly among Portland’s Working Class, we can revolutionize the way we care for one another.


in Designing the Future of Portland

To ensure our citizens are healthy and our environment is habitable for future generations we must preserve our natural resources at all costs. I will vehemently reject the status quo and take monumental steps towards protecting our trees, cleaning our waterways, and ​conserving our wildlife. I will under no circumstances accept money from the fossil fuel industry.


for the Portland Community

We need to be treating the root causes of violence and crime and not just the symptoms. Inequality and lack of access to resources keep poor and working class Portlanders in a cycle of despair and do nothing to make our city safer. We need to accelerate our build out of treatment infrastructure and bolster our on street outreach to direct people living on the streets to treatment facilities. Living on the street is inhumane and not an option.

Support My Campaign

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Portland resident's donations up to $20 will be matched at a 9 to 1 ratio by Portland's Small Donor Elections Program. This means your $20 donation will equate to $200 to help my campaign stand up for the most vulnerable in our community and ensure that no one slips through the cracks in the name of progress.